Minimizing the socio-economic and health risks affecting children and women and their corresponding communities

The project was geared towards satisfying an overall objective – ‘To provide an enabling environment in view of minimizing the socio-economic and health risks affecting children women, families and their corresponding communities.

From this global objective was drawn some specific activities for the project. These were;

  1. Conduct workshop activities with 50 business rural women
  2. Training and rehabilitation of 70 kids victims of the civil crises in Cameroon on skills to be self-reliant
  3. Sensitization talks on HIV/AIDs with 300 youths (100 per year).

The project activities were geared toward empowering children, women, families and their respective communities on HIV/AIDs and to rehabilitated 70 children who have greatly been affected by the current crisis.

Assessing the project Output

  • Through the increase in profits, 50 women now sustain improved health and living through the availability in drugs and nutritive food. 10 women who suffered from severe drop in CD4 counts now have a stable health condition. 50 families are increasingly protected and guaranteed in the long-term an income source for sustenance.
  • 70 kids from the affected communities of the current crisis in the North and South West Regions of Cameroon, currently undertake learning in the various Workshops. The kids have gained practical elementary lessons on the Workshop modules.
  • 100 young people have gained insight on HIV/AIDs and relate best with peers. The risk associated to their youthfulness and as a result of the current crisis, has been minimized. An increase number of 20 youths have joined the youth forum on awareness campaign on HIV/AIDs.

Buea South Region Cameroon



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